Ride Every Step

WT Equestrian Team is a club sports team sponsored by the WTAMU Department of Agriculture. We compete through the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA), which is the largest and the oldest collegiate equestrian association. The IHSA is comprised of more than 400 competing colleges and approximately 10,000 student riders. To be a competitive team, we need members of every riding background from people with no riding experience to riders who have been competitive at a national level.


 About Us

What does the team cost?

Students pay for:

  • IHSA Individual membership dues ($60)
  • Cost of show clothes (subject to coach approval)
  • Entry fees during the regular season ($45 per class)
  • One meal a day while traveling
  • 1178 riding course each semester

Team pays for:

  • All associated horse cost
  • All post season entry fees
  • Travel expenses including hotel, gas, and two meals a day
  • Lesson fees
  • WTAMU EQ Team clothing
  • Competitive scholarships


 What events does the team compete in?

Hunter Seat:

  • Six levels of equitation flat classes
  • Three levels of equitation fence classes


  • Six levels of western horsemanship, judged on patterns and on the rail
  • Two levels of ranch riding
  • One level of reining

*All events are shown on horses that are drawn at random prior to entering the show pen.


 What are team members responsible for?

Team members are responsible for:

  • Three practices per week, scheduled around their class schedule
  • Two workouts per week, on your own schedule
  • Weekly team meetings and grooming a care horse
  • Maintaining a C or better in all classes
  • Being present at all home events (approximately 3 per semester)

Questions? Contact Tabatha Taylor at for more information!

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